Monday, 9 January 2017

SWISSCOIN - is the future of the digital crypto-currency. This is a logical development of the Bitcoin success story according to the Swiss standards! The company’s headquarters are based in Switzerland, in the canton of Zug - the epicenter of the digital and financial growth of the new crypto-valley. Along with the SwissCoin here thrive and develop such companies as BitCoin, Ethereum, Monetas, Blockchain Source, Swissmine crypto and other innovative companies. We have no doubt that exactly in Switzerland there will be developed the latest cryptography standards according to the world requirements of the market, moreover the unique algorithms crypto -currency will be created.
The world of digital currency for years has been ruled by the very popular BitCoin but this is soon coming to an end. This year, there has been a huge search for the most reliable BitCoin alternative due to its capacity issues and design flaws. Bitcoin is a digital currency known as cryptocurrency. It’s a currency not issued by governments or banks. The currency uses some complicated programming to limit the amount of money that can be created. Users don’t have to worry about these technical details. Just like most of us don’t know what happens with dollars. As soon as we get used to it, it becomes a second nature.
In the last few years, Bitcoin has ruled digital currency as it is the first decentralized cryptocurrency in 2009 which was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto. The currency has been used as a peer to peer medium for transaction which easily takes place between users directly without any intermediary.
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