So far, all the network marketing companies involved with cryptocurrencies have a huge flaw. Whether their coin is public or private, their system don’t give any real chance to use that coin. This means, that in most cases, the coin is not used/traded, or even worst doesn’t exist. People understand that, and as soon as the value (if ever happens) of the coin grows, they sell the coin. As it happens in the real banking industry with the bank run, which takes to banks bankrupts (like in 2008). A bank run happens when all the customers, who lose trust in a bank, run to that bank ATMs and offices to withdraw their funds. The banks, doesn’t have enough liquid funds to cover all the withdraws and then is going bankrupt. Please search on Google Bank Run to get more information about this phenomenon. The same thing happens in cryptocurrencies. If people do not really see a project behind a cryptocurrency, everybody will just try to withdraw his coins as soon as possible, automatically shutting down the price of the same crypto. Just think about this. If 100 people have been given 1000 coins (of whatever cryptocurrency) because they bought a package, evaluating each coin at a value of 0.50€, there are two things that these people will do when they will be able to sell them in exchange of their money.
1.If these people are really motivated, they will ALL keep their coins, and work for getting more.
2.If the company that releases the coins has demonstrated to not be really trustable, maybe because it is really late with its plan, or because it didn’t communicate that much, people won’t have trust in them. Trust is everything. Out of 100 people, 20 will sell their coin straight away because the lack of trust. The other 80 will see the value go down of 0.10€. Getting worried, other 20 people will
sell their coins in order to save part of their value. And again, the price will drop of other 0.05-0.15€, and so on. Lack of trust = everybody will sell as soon as possible and value go down. That’s why FirstCoin Club has developed its entire business model around its coin. All the transactions are made in FirstCoin (FRST) which not only gives legitimacy to the FirstCoin (FRST), but also helps its value to grow. This strategy builds trust, and makes people buy FirstCoin (FRST) on public exchanges, growing its value day after day. When you buy a FirstCoin Club package, your FirstCoin (FRST) are locked for 6 months. That means, people buy they FirstCoin (FRST) on a public exchange, and they do not sell it for 6 month. Meanwhile, the number of people entering the Club will increase. In other words, a lot of people buying, a few selling. This means the price just grows. Example: the FirstCoin (FRST) has been launched at $0.60. Now, after 4 months, its value is approximately $5.00 with just few thousand people in the club. Just imagine how much it will be when the Club reaches 1 million members, or 2 million. It is really important to mention again, that every FirstCoin Club package lasts 183 days, 6 months since its activation. Once the 6 months are over, you can do whatever you want with the FirstCoin (FRST) you have cumulated into your wallet. Moreover, for the 6 months your package is active, you will get a monthly %. Here’s the packages:
•BASIC $300 2% Monthly
•NETWORKER $600 3% Monthly
• BUSINESS $1.200 4% Monthly
•TRADER $3.000 5% Monthly
•PRO TRADER $6.000 6% Monthly
•POOL $10.000 7,5% Monthly •VIP $25.000 8% Monthly
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