For networkers

1. Direct bonus: 10%
2. Binary bonus:
5% of weak leg if you invest 100$
8% of weak leg if you invest 300$
10% of weak leg if you invest 600$ and up
* the condition: you must sponsor 3 partners 1 on the left and 2 on the right or opposite
Maxout of this bonus is 6 times of your invest
3. Matching bonus: 5% of 5 generations based on their income from direct and binary bonus
Condition: you must be pool(pool means 10,000$ & 25,000$ or sponsoring 10 partners with total volume 6000$)
- To get bonus of First generation: you must have 3 pools under your generation ( 1 pool on the left and 2 pools on the right)
- To get bonus of Second generation: you must have 9 pools under your generation ( 3 pools on the left and 6 pools on the right)
- To get bonus of Third generation: you must have 18 pools under your generation ( 6 pools on the left and 12 pools on the right)
- To get bonus of forth generation: you must have 36 pools under your generation ( 12 pool on the left and 24 pools on the right)
- To get bonus of Fifth generation: you must have 72 pools under your generation ( 24 pool on the left and 48 pools on the right)
The bonus will be divided into 60% and 40%:
60% you can use
40% will be locked temporatory untill you sponsor new partner with how many firstcoins so those will be unlocked in the next payment
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